Ladies month returns to a happier time with more from the DCYou, yes there is still stuff there I want to cover and no I'm not letting it go, with a look at the second and final volume of Black Canary. Black Canary is a character with a very long history in the DCU and you can read about it here. This incarnation actually has Dinah Lance as lead singer of a punk rock band called Black Canary, with her still having awesome martial arts prowess and a superpower in her "Canary Cry" sonic scream. In the first volume we spent our time showing her on the road with her band and being stalked by a woman in white ninja get-up. At the end after Black Canary beat an alien called The Quietus the ninja revealed herself to Dinah and that was the cliffhanger of the previous volume. This final five issues unfortunately tries to wrap up several plot threads that were obviously expected to run over a much longer period than five issues and so everything feels somewhat rushed as the music takes a back seat to Dinah searching for the truth about her monther and unlocking her ultimate martial and sonic art. There is also a single issue crossover with the wonderful (and cancelled of course), Gotham Academy which was also written by Brendan Fletcher and which shows band member Heathcliffe hooking up with Black Canary. This volume has a few artists who manage to keep to a style consistent with the prior volume and give the comic a nice punky vibe. So let's wrap up this incarnation of Black Canary.
We begin with a fanzine article telling us that Dinah is missing, the lead guitarist is presumed dead and the rest of the band is being held for questioning by the police, "it seems like Black Canary is all but done." We then cut to the interrogation room where we are told the band have been questioned for two weeks and they still say they have no idea where their lead singer "D.D." has gone.
The lead cop says that their old singer "Maeve Tivana" is behind bars and the promoter is pressing charges, the only reason they are being kept free is the lawyers their record label has sprung for them. The lawyers finally arrive and Byron says are they free to go now? The cop says they shouldn't count on being free for long thanks to property damage, injuries, missing persons and possible deaths. They are not to leave Gotham because they'll want to speak to them again soon.
The band leave and outside the police station one of their lawyers says that Kurt Lance sends his thanks for keeping "Ditto" the lead guitarist out of it. Ditto is "an alien made of living sound" and is hiding out at Kurt's place. Kurt is apparently convalescing in a remote area. He wanted them to have something urgently, it's a message saying Dinah is in Berlin and needs their help. A cabaret performance will be their cover, all travel and accomodation has been arranged for them. So they are back on tour.
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Dinah fighting ninjas. |
Dinah has a bad cut on her upper arm so Vixen rips her skirt to bandage her up as she explains about her necklace to her. Then the white ninja appears on top of the cage saying she could free them right now...
Ninja: " But them my neice might never find out what happened to her mother."
Vixen demands she set them free but the ninja says she has searched a long time to find Dinah and she loves her and trusts her to get the job done. She had taught Dinah new martial arts forms and "there were times I almost believed I was looking at my sister."
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Dinah's aunt. |
The ninja tells Vixen that she doesn't understand what's at stake here. Before Dinah was born she was one of the worlds most talented martial artists. She founded this institution with her friends making it a place of learning. She left it in safe hands and built a family but a terrible evil began to grow up in the school.
She left her family to sort things out at the school, "she never returned." Her schools former teachers are now turning up dead and these warrior women would not fall easily. The killers were looking for something and they think they have found it in Dinah. They'll make her fight until they see her use the "Five Heavens Palm. Her mothers secret technique". That had something to do with her mother's disappearance. Dinah allowed herself to be captured to get closer to the truth. Vixen asks where she had been all these years and the ninja says "family business" and departs.
We then cut to the rest of the band on their way to Berlin by plane. On board they bump into Maeve who has been released and is also coming to Berlin, she is here to help and make sure no one messes with Ditto who smiles at her. Back in the jail cell Vixen admits to being a big Black Canary fan. She says they both have a lot in common, both raised in foster family, both with jobs in the public eye as she is a model. She believes they can be friends.
However when these people came after her they attacked her manager and abducted her in this death cult prison. She then head butts the bars and falls to the ground yelling that Dinah is trying to kill her. The guards arrive and call for advice from "Master Greyeyes". They open the cage and Vixen attacks, knocking them all out. But before she can escape the ninja kicks her back into the cell telling her to stay put.
The guards keep beating on Vixen and Dinah can't take it so she knocks the rest out and activates a button on the wrist of one which releases the collar round her neck so she can speak. The ninja says it's good to hear her voice even if "your actions have put all of our work in jeopardy."
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Vixen busts them out. |
There are a lot of ninjas outside and before Dinah can shout them down a chain wraps round her neck cutting her off. The chain is held by Greyeyes and she and Dinah trade insults then Vixen takes on a bear's power and punches Greyeyes so she releases the chain. Greyeyes then powers up a ball of energy which Dinah matches with her cry and she knocks Greyeyes unconcious. Dinah wants to go back for Rena but Vixn says she is using her and does she even have proof she really is her aunt?
Dinah then takes on the ninjas and beats them all saying she needed to get that out of her system. Vixen takes on an eagle's power and flies them away. They land some wayaway and Dinah says she needs to get back to Gotham and Vixen says she needs to get back to Rome and find out if her manager is OK. She asks where they are and Dinah says outside Berlin.
Dinah says she wishes she could tell the rest of the band where she disappeared to, but she knows they'd come after her. And "I refuse to put Black Canary in danger. Never again". We then cut to them arriving in Berlin missng Dinah as she buys a ticket to Gotham at the same airport. Maeve is excited that "Izak Orato" the coolest 80's dude ever will be at the club although another one of the band tells her not to get too excited, "this club is not what it seems."
We begin the next chapter with Dinah hanging out with Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl. Barbara is a big fan of the band, though Dinah says the person on stage isn't her. Barbara says it is, just another her. Dinah tries to shut down the conversation about her but Barbara keeps pushing when Dinah admits that meeting aunt Rena.
Barbara: "I get it. You finally found some real family to hold on to and it's causing you to doubt who you really are."
Dinah doesn't want to talk about it. Barbara says their old team, the Birds of Prey disbanded, she ran out on her band, lost Kurt a second time and finally she's found a relative who redifines who she is as a person. Dinah says it makes her "feel like punching something."
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Out on the town with Dinah and Babs. |
Later Dinah asks Barbara to use her photographic memory to think back to her dojo before it burned down and find the photo on her desk. Barbara says her memory doesn't work that way but she does remember asking about the photo which is apparently the only one Dinah hasd of her mother. Written on the back was several names, one of which was the name of Vixen's manager and another two had been assasinated in recent months. They need to track down "Judy Slade" another name on the back of the photo, so Barbara gets her friend Frankie on it.
Next day they visit the studio where the picture was taken, it's now owned by a "Juniper Vega" and has left it how it was when the photo was taken. Barbara asks if her mum was in a band too, Dinah says she wasn't as far as she know so she isn't sure why she and her friends were here. Then she finds a photo showing her mum as a dancer. Her teammates too.
Dinah: "This can't be right. You don't go from teaching martial arts to dancing in videos."
Barbara picks up a picture of a goth looking guy named "Izak Orato" and Barbara asks if she knows who he is. Barbara remembers her mother saying she didn't like his videos. They find a bunch of reel-to-reel tapes ad start listening to them. Babara thinks her mum was right about Izak's music.
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Izak Orato |
Dinah ponders that her mum and dad were working somekind of angle with this Izak fellow. Her father was a P.I. so Barbara figures that her dad was investigating Izak and her mum jumped in to be his inside guy but when they got close things got serious so she called in her old kung fu buddies. Then Dinah's father was found dead and mum ran off to Berlin to fight a ninja death cult, "it doesn't add up" says Dinah.
Then Frankie calls and tells them Judy Slade was murdered over twenty years ago. She was alive on the set of a Izak Orato music video one day and a "dry shell of a body the next." The M.E.'s report says it was liked the life was sucked out of her.
Suddenly a bunch of shurikens are thrown at Dinah and Barbara. It's Greyeyes who has managed to track them down. Dinah tells Barbara they are after the Five Heavens Palm her mum made up. But Dinah doesn't know it. Barbara is always prepared and has attached a small explosive to the drumkit which she sets off. There is a mega brawl and Greyeyes manages to get ahold of Barbara and chokes her into unconciousness.
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Another ninja brawl. |
Greyeyes tells Dinah she wants to take her down. She knows how gifted she is but she watched her every move and knows she can beat her. The headmistress has commanded Greyeyes get the technique even at the cost of her own life. Now Dinah must perform the Five Heavens Palm or Batgirl dies. Dinah makes a move but it's the "Silent White Crane kata! Liar!" Knocked down, Greyeyes yells for Batgirl to be killed but Dinah isn't fazed as Batgirl renters saying Dinah knows she can take care of herself.
Dinah starts punching Greyeyes saying they should fight with no Canary Cry or electric powers, Greyeyes agrees and a physical throwdown starts. Dinah beats Greyeyes and demands to know who the headmistress is. Greyeyes says she is called "Ravanahatha" and many years ago Dinah's mother injured her. Dinah asks if she killed her mother. Greyeyes says her mother was pushed in the fight into using the Five Heavens Palm which left her mistress broken and she requires it again to make her whole.
Greyeyes them powers the electricity power up, grabbing Dinah's leg demanding she use the move. Barbara yells at Dinah to get away, Greyeyes is going to blow. She uses a grappled to swing across and get ahold of Dinah and swing them both to safety as Greyeyes goes boom.
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Greyeyes combusts. |
Barbara is suspicious, referring to a villain who had convinced everyone he was a friend of hers until they realise he was actually rearranging their memories, "people coming out of nowhere tend to be bad news. I'm sorry Dinah." They return to Barbara's place and Frankie tells her that the band Black Canary are in Berlin. When Dinah realises the club they are playing in is owned by Izak Orato, it has to be a trap. But Black Canary need her and Dinah needs answers so it's back to Berlin with her.
We begin chapter three with Dinah back in Berlin with Frankie on the phone to her. Dinah is outside the club saying the place "reeks of villain's lair." Barbara is on the line too, they've contacted Vixen to come help but no response from her yet. The drones they have tapped into have picked up some people, "they appear to be armed and waiting for you." Barbara pleads with Dinah to wait for Vixen rather than take them on alone. "Sometimes it's like you don't even know me, Batgirl" grins Dinah.
Jump cut to Dinah standing atop a pile of unconcious bodies. Barbara can't get a scan of what's in the club, they are blocking signals inside It stinks of being a trap, and Frankie backs her up saying when Dinah walks through the club's door she will be on her own.
Dinah: "Wouldn't be the first time. Won't be the last. Thanks for the hand ladies. Canary out."
And into the club she goes. She is confronted by Izak Orato on stage with the Black Canary band behind him looking somewhat hypnotised.
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Izak Orato and Black Canary. |
Izak: "Now, birth sounds that stir the hearts of men to dream memories of stardust newly formed... reveal to me your true heart Dinah".
Dinah gets up on stage and sings, then realises Ditto isn't there. The rest of the band come around and are surprised to find out where they are and what they are wearing. Apart from Maeve the others hug Dinah, then she tells them they have to go.
Izak says there is at least one song left in the set. Dinah orders Black Canary to run. As the weird horned ninja attack, Maeve takes the rest of the band to safety while Dinah confronts Izak who says he just wants her and they drop through a trapdoor. As the rest of the band fight their way out, Byron says that Dinah can look after herself when Heathcliffe says they need to go help her.
Dinah is now in a hall of mirrors. He tells her that he hasn't hurt her friends, she did by abandoning them. "You truly are your mother's daughter" Izak says. She starts to say she was trying to protect them, then she gets slashed across the upper arm and sees a reflection of her mother in the mirrors, "walking away from little Dinah again... and again.. and again.."
Izak says her blood is delicious, "I need another taste." Dinah asks if that is why he brought her here to ffed on her like he did on Judy. He says she was a small morsel, those women stalked him and pretended to be his entourage, his dancers. He would have given them the world, but then he drank the life of their friend.
He slashes Dinah again, and she tries to goad him into coming out and facing her one-on-one. He says she sounds like her mother "the women who wanted to destroy me." Dinah says her mother was not a killer she just wanted to stop him taking more lives.
Izak: "She fought me! Hurt me in ways I didn't think possible. For the first time in a millenia I felt true pain. But ancient beings don't falls so easily, nor do we forget."
Dinah asks if killing her is his revenge. He says no, he wants her to fix him, to heal him. He needs the Five Heavens Palm. Her mother tore him apart with it, he needs Dinah to put him back together.
Dinah says she doesn't know it. Izak tells her it taps the very fabric of the universe on a microscopic scale. Vibrating in perfect harmony manipulated with great power and cocare by a master artist. He knows Dinah is such an artist but she might need careful influence to find her power, he thought performance might be the key but perhaps it demands something more traumatic.
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Dinah gets pissed. |
She escapes from him to where Vixen and her manager, one of Dinah's mother's friends Sandra McCanlies, are battling the horned ninjas. Then aunt Rena appears, accusingly she says Dinah betrayed her and turned her bac on the mission. She was guiding her down a path that would have led them to uncover the Five Heavens Palm. Vixen then drops a bombshell:
Vixen: "That woman is not Dinah's aunt! That's one half of the demon Ravanahatha."
And the demon imapales Dinah through the stomach with a katana. As Izak appears behind her along with the not-aunt they hiss that now she has no choice but to use the Five Heavens Palm and it will make Ravanahatha whole again. It tells her she is all alone, but as she lies dying, Ditto comes up to her and whispers "you're not alone. You've never been alone."
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That's no aunt! |
Dinah says that isn't too far off, the presenter says that he knew a lady who said she didn't want to meet Dinah feeling that she is into kung fu magic and it would make her nervous and others she her as a skilled performer who changes from time to time. Dinah says she was picking up the pieces her mother left behind, "she was a performer in another life..." The interviewer asks if she taught her the moves she uses, Dinah just says she's putting on a show. The interviewer asks if it wouldn't be better to use those skills to help people, "why keep singing when the world is falling apart around us?" Dinah is silent.
Another year later Dinah is in the studio with Izak, and various groupies lounging around, who says that music gives them meaning, "there's little more we can do for a fellow sentient being than bring them joy." Dinah says nothing. Then mumbles they need to go and Izak says she doesn't need the distraction of flesh, "let me bring you back to life."
Two more years later, Dinah is solo now and listening to playback on a track he just recorded. Then Wonder Woman teleports in looking beaten up. She asks Dinah to come and command them in battle "save the world". There is a war going on between the Justice League and a villain called "Ravedeath". They need Dinah, but she says that she can't help. What she is doing now is important, Wonder Woman says "your friends will die. You'll be alone". Dinah just says she has to get back to work because her future depends on it.
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Dinah refuses to superhero. |
Four more years later, she is being interviewed over the phone about her recent albums, her most recent being "like your first peice of purely commercial art." When the interview starts probing into her past work saying they sounded like she was searching for for a way to connect with her mother after all these years. The interbiewer says that she told a magazine in the past she had found a frequency that allowed to communicate wth her mother. Dinah snaps that this interview was supposed to be about her new record. The interviewer presses her saying did she find out Izak Orato wasn't responsible for her death and that's why she agreed to work with him. And was there any clue he'd become Ravedeath in the early days with him? Then the interveiwer asks her about the new album.
Six more years later, Dinah has Paloma and Byron round to ask if they want to reform Black Canary. She says she hasn't been feeling the music in so long, "so many soulless stadium shows." We wants to feel the energy again. She snuck into Gotham to watch them play saying it took all her willpowet not to run up to the stage and do a song. Paloma gets up to leave and Byron apologises saying it's not the right time for any of them. Dinah asks where Ditto is, Byron says she has no idea who she is talking about.
Seven years later on, she arrives heavily pregant meeting with Barbara and Diana (Wonder Woman). They have a serious message for her though. Her husband Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow was serving the Justice League again at Barbara's request. Ravedeath was spreading throughout the universe and they didn't want it to strip other planets like it did Earth. And Ollie was killed in deep space, when he was supposed to be with his family. "I'll never forgive your for this Babs. Never" she says coldly.
Sixteen years later, her daughter is a teenager and tells her mum she is not supposed to be out of bed. Dinah eppears to still be recording despite being ill. She gets into bed and her daughter tells her to "leave the music now. Just close you eyes." Dinah says when she closes them her daughter isn't there. Suddenly the rest of Black Canary appear and tell her she is not alone and never have been. Ditto appears and tells her "time is flexible".
Black Canary surround her saying she's alive and she is going to be OK. Dinah remembers that they are in so many places at once and there is that hum again, "everything's buzzing". Then a vision of her mum appears and clasps her hands. She tells Dinah she remembers how powerful she was when she left, "that power inside your cry is everything, love." The vibration is the music of the heavens and the music of the universe and she taught her to channel it.
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Time gets wobbly. |
Dinah: "The Five Heavens Palm!"
And with that she returns to the present, she pulls the katana out of her belly and stands with Ditto putting her hand on her wound and it heals up. Black Canary all give her a big group hug as Maeve notes Ditto brought them back to save Dinah.
But there is still the matter of Ravanahatha to deal with. Both halves, Rena and Izak say they will become whole again now she has unlocked the power. The demon joins together although not fully, they are still powerful though when attached to each other. A big brawl ensues with Black Canary joining in as well as Vixen and her manager.
Ravanahatha: "Youuuuuu can't win. If you use the Five Heavens Palm we will let you live. We will even give you yor hearts desire. Fame! Fortune! Family! We can make sure you're never alone again."
Dinah says she has never been alone and if it wants her power it can have it. But she warns it that the Five Heavens Palm won't put it back together it will be it's death.
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The Five Heavens Palm. |
She accomplished what her mother didn't. It would have sucked the world dry, and her mum split it in half but Dinah actually destroyed it. Sent it to the place between time and space. Dinah says she saw her mother and other instances of herself. She is told to trust what she knows and that she is a superhero. Dinah apologises to the band for getting them involved. Byron asks if the can go home now. Then Dinah thinks about her husband Kurt.
We cut to her laying a flower on his grave. Amanda Waller, she of the Goverment superhero black-ops agencies arrives to pay her respects. She asks what the future holds for Black Canary. Dinah says she has her eye on a new pair of boots. She asks Amanda what her intentions with Ditto. Amanda pretends she doesn't know about her and just says "who?"
We end this story and this truncated series with Dinah announcing at a concert that she is quitting the band. It woun't be the end of Black Canary, they will be having their original vocalist back, Bo Meave. She and Bo are going to duet but before they do she says she knows there are many possible futures but nothng can stop her "loving these women like my own flesh and blood. Aren't they incredible?" She counts the song in one last time and sings her final song.
She walks down backstage and changes her high boots for a part of buckled combat boots. As she walks out of the venue the narration asks who is Dinah? A singer. A daughter. A friend. A fighter. Each tones of a complex chord. Made stronger by those ringing with it. Made stronger still by those against it.
Narration: "That's the power behind the voice of Dinah Lance. That's the sound of Black Canary."
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The end of this chapter of Dinah's life. |
- “to a happier time with more from the DCYou (...) no I'm not letting it go”
ReplyDeleteI empathise. I won't forget the minority title “massacre” Marvel is committing right now. Not even announcing a woman led series (Domino) by Gail Simone can change that.
- “the wonderful (and cancelled of course), Gotham Academy”
I miss it too, haven't found any DC series I'm interested in since. At least it lasted 30 issues (18 originally, 12 relaunched with the “second semester” subtitle) plus some extras.
- “Vixen says she didn't sign up for this "weird ninja-cult family drama"”
I'm reasonably sure weird family drama is required for being a superhero. Ninjas or cults are optional but you need to choose at least two more things to complete the drama package. (Other available things include: magic, aliens, clones, childhood trauma, time travel, alternate universes, secret legacies, vague but also oddly specific prophecies…)
- “There are a lot of ninjas outside”
One ninja is dangerous, a lot of ninjas are cannon fodder. This is the law of ninja.
- “The M.E.'s report says it was liked the life was sucked out of her.”
Oh, and Vampires. Vampires are in the options too, and demons, and whatever monsters people can think of.
- “Greyeyes says her mother was pushed in the fight into using the Five Heavens Palm which left her mistress broken and she requires it again to make her whole.”
I'm reasonably convinced that combat moves don't work that way. Heck, magic spells don't work that way in most stories.
- “"people coming out of nowhere tend to be bad news.””
Yes. Especially if they claim to be your long lost relative.
- “"why keep singing when the world is falling apart around us?"”
I think this is my cue for dropping this:
(Link should be to a music video for the song "Distraction" by a bunch of Channel Awesome (yes, the web review show network) people.)
- “Dinah asks if she did that and Vixen says she defeated an ancient kung fu demon with a secret technique her mum buried inside her, so yeah she did do it.”
So its Wednesday again. :D
- “when Squirrel Girl has to deal with her toughest adversary yet. A Nice Guy... ”
I was waiting for this for a while.
ReplyDeleteLyn Cassady: There's a story that Wong Wifu, the great Chinese martial artist... had a fight with a guy and beat him. Then the guy gave him this light tap. Wong looked at him and the guy just nodded. That was it. He had given him the death touch. Wong died.
Bob Wilton: Then and there?
Lyn Cassady: No. About eighteen years later. That's the thing about Dim Mak... you never know when it's gonna take effect.
Alan: I always enjoyed those myths and legends about death touches in the martial arts world. Only reason I signed up for classes was to learn one :D
ReplyDeleteMalitia: As ever I enjoy your commentary. I did wonder about digressing into The Law of Conservation of Ninjitsu but thought people might not thank me for sending them to TV Tropes aka Thief of Time.
I hope I can do Squirrel Girl justice. It's the edition with the choose your own adventure story chapter which I am just going to take as it comes and hope it makes sense.
ReplyDeleteThere's quite a nice take on 'mook chivalry' in the TV series 'Hyperdrive'. The shiny red robots of vortis attack our heroes one at a time, until one of them points this out and the robots overhear. Then they all attack our heroes at once and kick the shit out of them.
ReplyDeleteHey Alan could you post the link to the Mammoth Discord chat again here. My lap top is having emergency surgery so I at least want to check in via my desktop PC. And don't worry this hasn't after future postings!
ReplyDeleteBut I can't help but worry!
ReplyDeleteHowever, try this
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